Getting Employees Unstuck for Change

NO Change WEB SmlSome behavioral styles covet, chase, and create change. At the other end of the spectrum are those who appall, avoid, and avert change like the plague. In the middle are those who waver, wait, and watch change before getting on board. What does all this mean to an executive or manager tasked with making change happen?

The first group are your allies and can even help move change along. However, care must be taken that they do not create chaos, especially when change is not on the schedule. The middle group are employees whom you can expect the same from almost no matter what the change. They aren’t budging. This is not a group to spend a lot of time on trying to convince or bring on board. But they may need a change themselves – a change of team, department, or even employment. The last group will cost you time and resources.

Change Management; Business,, Behavor

Read more: Getting Employees Unstuck for Change

Job Matching – Not Always a Matter of Life or Death, But…

Pilot SML WEBThe plane banked at 41 degrees, when it is rare to hit a 25-degree roll. A window broke and shrapnel began spraying into the aircraft, a passenger was partially sucked out and later passed away.  In another incident a flock of Canadian geese hit an airplane disabling it and ultimately winding up in the Hudson River.

When organizations hire employees, it is always best to try and match the people to the right job in terms of knowledge, skills, and attributes. The two pilots, Tammie Jo Shults and Chesley B. Sullenberger, III. (Sully), are the two pilots in the respective incidents who are responsible for saving hundreds of lives. Good job matching indeed. Having the skills to fly an aircraft is certainly a skill both pilots share. The other attribute they share is high emotional intelligence (EQ). Upon landing Tammie Jo had the presence of mind to thank the tower operators for their help. Sully had the presence of mind to keep from hitting a bridge and seeing a boat in the water thinking to land near that boat to get passengers to it upon landing. Throughout their ordeals, they both were calm, cool, and collected.

Job Matching; Talent Management

Read more: Job Matching – Not Always a Matter of Life or Death, But…

Don’t Dump the Data Out with the Dish Water

bcgd Water SML WEBGathering data for a variety of reasons is a big deal for business. In addition, not only are there a variety of areas a business needs to be collecting data in, but there are also a variety of types of analytics producing data such as predictive, descriptive, prescriptive, and causal analytics. Collecting any data can be time consuming and expensive. However, the answers and possible solutions data can bring are well worth the effort.

One area organizations should be collecting data in is Human Capital. While this is a new phenomenon for many, human capital analytics enjoys a long history. However, today there is a better cohesiveness and labeling around analytics. Further, there are new technologies and tools that help facilitate the gathering and interpretation of data as well as cost reduction. Yet, despite this, many organizations struggle with a few questions:

  1. Who should be on the analytics gathering team?
  2. How much should we budget for analytics?
  3. Which projects should we pursue?
  4. How should we use the data we collect?
  5. How can we sustain the practice of analytics?

Hiring,, HCA, Human Capital, DATA

Read more: Don’t Dump the Data Out with the Dish Water

How to Remove the Me in Your Conflicts

Disappear Sml WebThere is plenty of conflict to go around these days. The “Me” in the title of this article is not me but you. So, let’s clear that up right now. I’m the center of enough of my own conflicts without being a part of yours. The three main ‘me’ conflicts are Me – Me, Me – You, and Me – Job. Those of us who work with behavioral management are attune to these three and a good coach or mentor can spot them quickly and the good news is that there are clear methods to deal with each of them.

A Little History

Research on what makes people tick, began in ancient history around 444 B.C. with Empedocles, who was the founder of the school of medicine. This is also the beginning of the DISC language for behaviors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.

Behaviors,, Conflict,, Behaior Management

Read more: How to Remove the Me in Your Conflicts

I got, got, got, got no time

Girl Twisting Time Sml WebMany of you will recognize these lyrics from the 1969 tune No Time by The Guess Who. Not having time for coaching is a message that continues to drone on by both managers who should be conducting it and individuals who should be engaging in it. However, we seem to be able to make time for low productivity, employee disengagement, failure to set goals, a lack of innovation…well I could drone on and on too.

The idea of having no time for coaching lingers despite the plethora of books, articles, scientific and case studies available touting the effectiveness of coaching. Nothing is a miracle cure all, but there are two ingredients necessary to facilitate the success of a coaching program, a good coach and the willingness of the person engaging in coaching to be coachable.

Coaching,, Talent Management,

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To Asses or Not To Asses – That is the Question

Assess Decision Sml WEBMany organizations mull over the question of whether to use assessments. If an organization does decide to use assessments, now a Pandora’s box of questions beg for attention. Which assessment(s) should we use? How should we use them? Can assessments really give us any answers and provide solutions? Does one size fit all? How accurate can they be? Can we afford them? Etc., etc., etc. The good news is that these questions and concerns have relatively easy answers.

Expense: Everything comes with a cost. Cost can include the use of…and the cost for failing to use a product. (Oh, come on, you knew that was coming!) Psychometric assessments come in many flavors, colors, and sciences. An assessment can be relatively inexpensive and be valid and reliable. However, are you or anyone on your staff certified or even skilled at interpreting the data? One word in an assessment report can throw some people into a quandary because they misunderstand the context. On the other hand, an assessment can be more expensive, with a skilled or certified individual delivering it who can correctly interpret the data. On the other hand, a misinterpretation gains you nothing and may cause harm.

Hiring Management

Read more: To Asses or Not To Asses – That is the Question

Team Stress - Cost, Cause, and Cure

Team Argue Sml WEBThe Cost

In 1990 the revolutionary and $70 million Hubble Space Telescope began its journey into space. Unfortunately, all was not well as the mirror on the massive telescope was not properly ground causing NASA to receive distorted images of stars. Repair costs were astronomical. Back here on earth, costs due to stress are causing monetary losses of stellar proportions. According to one source, work place stress carries a price tag of $300B. Unanticipated absence due to stress is $602.00 per employee annually. Individually, health costs due to stress can send a personal budget into a black hole, sometimes never achieving recovery. The old saying, “If you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything” still rings true. Good health is a priceless commodity.

Performance Management,, Stress

Read more: Team Stress - Cost, Cause, and Cure

The Changing Face of Teams

Faces Sml WebBefore the turn off the 20th Century, work teams and the communication resources available were quite different than today. “Work teams” in almost every nation were farmers. Not only were communication resources nonexistent, because of the physical distance between farms, even face-to-face communication probably only took place during worship events, or other local events. The second largest group, live-in house servants did not have communication opportunities or resources either.

Once the industrial revolution came on the scene, blue collar workers were dominating the work force. Living in densely populated areas, communication became easier and other resources were developing such as newspapers and more social gatherings. Work teams became able to communicate about unfair treatment. New ideas began to circulate. Being high organizable, unions began to form and better treatment for workers came into popularity – at least with the workers.

Teams; Communication, Workforce

Read more: The Changing Face of Teams