Succession Planning – A Game of You’re It?


Tag! You’re it! This is the mantra of a childhood game, we have all played. Of course, the objective to the game of tag is to be tagged. This idea can be true in the workplace as well. Some people do not want to be “tagged” for the next position up via promotion. Of course, there are others who might be running toward the person who is the current “it.” That is to say, they want and work hard to achieve that next promotion. Unfortunately, many organizations run successions more like a game of tag than a serious process deserving of attention. This creates chaos, low morale, and can have a negative impact on profits. Good succession planning takes just that – a plan.

Read more: Succession Planning – A Game of You’re It?

Mashing the Myths About Assessments

Bus Levit WEB SMLLong ago and far away the foundation for assessments began with Empedocles, 490-430 B.C. who founded the school of medicine in Sicily and Hippocrates, 460-370 B.C. from Greece who we consider as the father of medicine. However, he was also an observer of people. Despite what my children tell you, I do not know these two gentlemen personally. Even with this long history, many myths, mistaken ideas, and misuses of assessments exist and persist. The point of this blog is to dispel the myths, correct the mistaken ideas, and better redirect the misuse of assessments.

Assessments,, Employeee Development

Read more: Mashing the Myths About Assessments

Change: The Why and the Vision

Why Vision WEB SMLAs children we would ask “Why?” a lot. Hearing the answer, “Because I’m the mommy.” Or “Because I said so.”, was the reason we had to accept. As adults when we ask that question, we expect an answer with a little more “detail” behind it. This is never truer than when an organization introduces change. In fact, you may think that your organization somehow turned into a day care center full of whining nursery school children when you announce a change. There is a preventative measure that reduces the whining scenario.


Read more: Change: The Why and the Vision

Change Team or Change Coalition

pointing WEB SMLAccording to a recent Harris Poll, over 50% of people ages 18 to 34 believe they learn more from technology than people. While this may be a blinding flash of the obvious, what does this mean for business? Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know that millennials now form the largest segment of the workforce. The real question now becomes, if the largest part of your workforce prefers technology over people, how can we build driving coalitions for change?

Change Management; Business,

Read more: Change Team or Change Coalition

How to get Employees On Board the Change Train

Train WEB

Change is rarely easy or welcomed in an organizational setting. However, there are ways to make change easier, go more smoothly, and be more effective. The reality is that there will always be hurdles in your tracks, challenges to overcome, and people who try to stop the change train no matter what the change may be. Change failure is high and placing the blame for this failure is, more times than not, given to one element. It doesn’t matter what change model you implement; the beginning of change is the best place to harness the steam of the change engine with one key source of power. 

CEO, Change Management; Business,

Read more: How to get Employees On Board the Change Train

A Paradox for Problem Solving

Boss WEB SMLOne of the biggest laments for CEOs is that their people don’t think for themselves. Think about it. If you have several or even one team member who incessantly comes to you with questions instead of solutions your day is full of constant interruptions and productivity falls to zero – for both you and your team member. For the CEOs, the ideal is to have people think for themselves thus freeing up time for them to work on larger business issues. Why can’t or won’t people think for themselves?

CEO, Think

Read more: A Paradox for Problem Solving

Two Funerals and a Culture

Cultural Diversity WEB SMLThe funerals of Aretha Franklin and John McCain demonstrate a vivid contrast in cultures, and cultural ceremonies. These two celebrations of life couldn’t be more different. One had lively renditions of vocals, the other more somber musical tributes. At one, people wore highly expressive outfits. At the other, attendees displayed more toned-down and traditional attire. Both had moments of humor, applause, and solemnity. One was like Google on steroids, the other like IBM. Which of these celebrations is most like your organizational culture and why does culture matter?

Behaior Management

Read more: Two Funerals and a Culture