Difficult People: Causes and Cures

Diff People WEB SMLWe all can have our moments. Moments when we are happy, sad, miffed, and difficult. If an employee who usually exhibits relatively happy and cooperative behavior and suddenly or unexpectedly shifts behaviors for the worst, then it’s probably due to some out of the ordinary happenstance.  This employee may need some time off or require services such as a counselor or legal advice that is outside our skill set as managers. It’s those employees who exhibit consistently difficult behavior that are the issue.

These employees try our patience and emotions. However, patience and controlling our emotions are of paramount necessity to help handle these trying people. This is increasingly difficult to pull off when dealing with these types of behaviors is a daily occurrence. Let’s look at some of the causes and cures of these difficult personalities.

Diffcult Conversations,, Managing,, Difficult People

Read more: Difficult People: Causes and Cures

6 Ideas for a Successful Employee Development Program

EE Deve WEB SMLOne of the biggest contributors to poor employee engagement is the lack of a structured employee development program. Several sources suggest that about half of organizations have no employee development program. Some that do have such a program, describe it as broken, or outdated.

Just as with anything, creating an employee development plan involves strategy and prework. This prework begins long before anyone makes a hire, advertises an opening, writes a job description, or even before someone decides what positions the organization will fill. What ideas can an organization implement to ensure that an employee development program is successful?

Talent Management,, Strategic Planning,, Employee Development

Read more: 6 Ideas for a Successful Employee Development Program

Turnover Wears Two Faces

Two Faces WEB SMLOrganizations often lament high turnover and its costs. Indeed, it can be costly and there is a plethora of information on the internet, in books, white papers, and studies to assure you of this fact. But is all turnover bad? The truth is that turnover wears two faces as there is both good and bad turnover. OK, before you have me put in a straight jacket, hear me out.

Here’s a question for you, if a poor performer, toxic employee, or a bad fit for your culture quits, is that good or bad? It will no doubt be good. Now it may be that the toxic employee, just as an example, was there a long time and had become a sacred cow, that employee may take a lot of knowledge out of the organization. Losing the knowledge is bad, but you only have yourself to blame for allowing the toxic employee to remain as long as they did. In fact, the toxic employee may have been the cause of good, highly productive, and other knowledgeable employees leaving in the past and that’s bad. Thus, the two faces of turnover. What do these two faces look like?

Hiring,, Turnover,

Read more: Turnover Wears Two Faces

12 Techniques For Better Interviewing

Interview WEB SMLSitting outside my office door, a manager is interviewing a candidate in a meeting room. He is talking loudly and non-stop. The manager did not ask the candidate any questions. Even if a question was forthcoming, the candidate couldn’t get a word in edgeways. How the manager thought this technique was providing good information about a candidate, I’ll never know.

Other managers use the technique that anyone who shows up, can state their name, complete paper work, and pass the drug test gets the job. Just another warm body.

Still others don’t feel it’s necessary to prepare. They have a few stock questions they ask every candidate and if the answers are even close, the job is theirs.

Being in a job interview is not news. However, it seems that being a good interviewer just might make headlines! We’ve all been in job interviews. It’s sad to say, but most of the time, the candidate is better at interviewing than the interviewer. Having a career in HR brought this fact home to me as the opportunity to observe both candidates and the hiring manager puts me, and now you, in a rare position of sitting on both sides of the desk.

Hiring,HR,, Interviewing,

Read more: 12 Techniques For Better Interviewing

6 Tools for Building High Performance Teams

HP Team WEB SmlBuilding anything takes time and involves effort, resources, and yes, maybe even some blood, sweat, and tears. Producing high performance teams is no different. That’s why we call it Building High Performance Teams. Many professionals may think that building high performance teams begins with the hiring process; and yes, that is part of the process. However, laying the foundation begins long before that with your strategic planning process with the cornerstone being your vision, mission, and business philosophy.

Once those components are in place, then you can begin writing position descriptions for the tasks to help the job talk as to what it needs to function at an optimal level. Seeking the talent for those positions involves looking for a match in KSAs (knowledge, skills, and attributes). Remember that when you find the person with the right attitude and is a match for your vision, mission, and business philosophy, you can always train for skills. But that’s just the beginning.

Talent Management,, High Performing Teams

Read more: 6 Tools for Building High Performance Teams

7 Ways to Cure a Hiring Headache

Headache WEB SMLLet’s face it, hiring can sometimes feel like a roll of the dice, an exasperating task, a time-consuming monster, and seemingly more trouble than it’s worth. Some team members want to examine every piece of data about a candidate, and others just want a warm body so other team members will stop complaining about all the extra work they have to perform due to a vacant position. Therefore, so many positions remain open, take forever to fill, or that warm body is brought on board. But let’s say you do everything right to hire the best candidate. You…

  1. Take the organization’s strategic plan into consideration
  2. Benchmark the job
  3. Write a definitive position description
  4. Write an attention-grabbing ad
  5. Use the best recruiting processes
  6. Conduct a strong screening process using

Read more: 7 Ways to Cure a Hiring Headache

Tangents, Trends, and Techniques for Hiring

Hire Trend WEB SMLHiring, its tangents, trends, and techniques, is receiving a lot of attention. Yet there are only three basic techniques in procuring talent, buying, borrowing, and building. Buying talent is having someone recruit for you and paying them. Borrowing talent is hiring a contractor and paying them for a project or some period for their talent. Building talent is taking the talent you already have on board and developing it for handling more skills. However, tools and techniques surrounding the basic strategies is changing at warp speed.


Once upon a time, you could find talent writing a resume, and maybe a cover letter, sending it through snail mail, and waiting for a response. Today, talent has many options for getting your attention, and you have many more places to seek out that talent.

Hiring,, Trends

Read more: Tangents, Trends, and Techniques for Hiring

The Perfect CEO

CEO ORIG WEB SMLRecently attending a network event complete with a program, the essence of a quote from an HBR statement became glaringly apparent – along with the quasi-evidence that a stereotypical CEO is doing damage to an entire industry. Here is the scene at the front of the room consisting of about eight or so current and past CEOs and executives.

  • All male
  • All white
  • All around 5’7” to 6’ in height
  • All between 50 and 70 years of age
  • Similar educations
  • All of a certain religious sect (they made fun of those who weren’t – all in good fun wink, wink).
  • All from the same industry

In fact, the entire room of about 100 to 125 people fit this description. Here’s the kicker, the industry is dying a slow but almost certain death. Here’s the quote from HBR on the CEO Genome Project:

CEO, Hiring,

Read more: The Perfect CEO