Give Me EQ – AND NOW!

Trip over toy WEBEQ, known as Emotional Intelligence can play a big role in your success at work and your time away from work.  CEOs need EQ more than ever. Today, it’s routine for CEOs to manage rapidly changing technology, outside economic forces, restrictive regulations, a more mobile staff, diverse workforces, locations, and skill sets. Of course, CEOs are not the only people with busy lives, it’s the norm for everyone.

We all experience stress from the demands on our time. The demands from our boss on projects we need to complete yesterday! The demands from our families not only add stress, but sometimes guilt. I should call Aunt Martha, I could have visited cousin Fred while he was in the hospital, and poor second cousin twice removed, Mary living all alone. Of course, Mary probably likes it that way, but you still store the guilt, just in case. During the holidays, demands are compounded due to increasing our social activities, trying to meet year-end deadlines, getting projects ready for launch for the new year, and people who expect to be included in our scope of attention. If ever we need to call on our EQ, it’s during the holidays.

Emotional Intelligence,, EQ,, EI,

Read more: Give Me EQ – AND NOW!

Change is on Overtime

Demotion WEB

The new FLSA Overtime Rule is causing quite a stir. This blog’s intent is not to lobby for or against any such rule, but more to help prepare you for its impact. If you wish a more in depth understanding of this ruling, here are three links that can help:

  1. The Final Rule from the Wage and Hour Division
  2. A report on the rule’s economic impact
  3. SHRM’s Stand on the new rule

Obviously, this new ruling will be a disrupter (to use the newest biz buzzword) to businesses of most every size and shape. If change or elimination of this law is a target for you and your business, it will take time. While raising the overtime threshold may be a good idea, doubling it is not and many businesses will face several burdensome backlashes because of it.  In the meantime, business owners and CEOs must (stop me if you’ve heard this before) adapt to change and here are some you will be facing.

HR,, Overtime,

Read more: Change is on Overtime

Turning the Tables on Turnover

Turn Tables WEBWe all know that one of the main reasons organizations need to address turnover is that it is expensive. In fact, one source suggests that costs can range, on average, from $10,000 to $200,000 USD. When looking at total costs, many factors play into these estimates. Certainly, the level of the position matters. While a valuable employee, a janitor is a lot less expensive to replace that a CEO. Even at an average expenditure of $4,000 USD for a lower level employee, it is obvious that turnover can chew up your bottom line and spit it out.

Direct costs we associate with turnover are job postings, recruiting, drug testing, and background checks. Other costs that may not be as obvious are lost productivity, lost expertise, low morale, and poor customer service. These too are costly to both the bottom line, your brand, and may even lead to even higher turnover.

CEO, Hiring,, Turnover,

Read more: Turning the Tables on Turnover

Getting Smart About Managing Your Career

Manage career WEB

Executives, like everyone else, struggle with career decisions, paths, and strategies. Just because you’re on the executive team or that you report directly to the CEO, doesn’t mean that your CEO is aware of all your talents, has a vision of your capabilities and what you can achieve for the future of the organization, or that he or she is even vaguely aware of your career goals and how they fit with the organization’s strategic plan. So where does that leave you?

It leaves you in control. One of the research sources for this article suggests that career management used to be in the hands of the organization. I disagree. You are the one who must always take responsibility for the path of your own career. Just as good management requires strategic planning for the long-term future and the investment of time and resources, so does career planning. Resting on your laurels or being comfortable or thinking that you have arrived all ring the death knell for a successful career.

career,, Career Management,, Executives,

Read more: Getting Smart About Managing Your Career

CEOs, BODs, and SOBs

Guard WEB

The road to becoming a CEO is long and arduous. People looking to become CEOS often begin developing valuable characteristics early in life.  Around age 13, Bill Gates began racking up 10,000 hours learning to program on a high school computer.  Edward Lampert, of Sears, lost his father at 14 and helped support his family by working after school and on weekends while still maintaining good grades.  Those striving for the top position, obtain a good education – both in and out of school. When natural skills are lacking, being willing to seek a mentor or hire a coach helps put individuals on the path to success. Preparation is key for the tough job ahead.             


CEO, Board of Directors,

Read more: CEOs, BODs, and SOBs

Conflict: Prevention, Causes, and Solutions

Conflict elephants WEB

No organization is free of conflict at any level. Not even at the home of the most famous mouse in the world, Walt Disney and not even at the highest levels of leadership. In fact, so much conflict was taking place at Disney when Michael Ovitz, a Disney Director and the CEO, Michael Eisner were experiencing major clashes that Ovitz was terminated and a court case ensured. The financial cost was $140 million for Ovitz’s severance package and legal fees on top of that. So much for fairy tales.

As a CEO or manager, the trick is knowing if and when to step in to settle situations. An even better tactic is prevention.

CEO, Conflict,

Read more: Conflict: Prevention, Causes, and Solutions

Tactics for Terrific Teams

Dif Disc WEBWith change and consumer demands rocketing at breakneck speeds, your teams need to function at their optimal level. Such a management mandate requires more than just directing and delegating. Here are some trending ideas for your teams to reach their pinnacle.



  • Hierarchies are History Companies are moving from functional teams and decentralizing This is not only benefiting the bottom line, but the front line as well. Because of the way Al-Qaeda was winning battles in Iraq, military leaders began decentralizing authority and empowering teams.
  • Size Matters Because of the necessity of getting products to market more quickly, astute managers understand that smaller teams are more productive. Further, smaller teams communicate with team members better because they know one another better. On a somewhat scientific basis, it has to do with Dunbar’s number.. The theory behind this is that one can only know around 150 people at one time. On a less scientific basis, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, suggests that if there are more than two pizzas for lunch during a team meeting, the team is too large.

CEO, Teams,

Read more: Tactics for Terrific Teams

Trifecta for Success: Teams, Tools, and Talent

GambleThere are no guarantees in business. On the other hand, no CEO should take wild chances or gamble with success, especially when an easy trifecta for success is attainable. Once you’ve reached the ivory tower where CEOs lives, life is smooth sailing right? Not exactly. When you were working hard to reach this plateau, you probably only had one boss. Now you may have six or 12 depending on the size of your Board. You probably had people to manage. Now, however, you inherit an executive team to help you bear the burdens of leadership that has more power and input than people you were managing. Now the stakes are higher and getting them all on the same page, may prove to be a challenge. You can bet that one or two of them wanted the CEO position and may prove to be difficult. Maybe at least one thinks you’re not the right person for the job. Others may just want to hang onto their hands or jobs, and hope you don’t come in wielding an ax. Whether you’re a new or seasoned CEO, an article in HBR provides information for the Ace up your sleeve.

CEO, HR,, Talent Management,

Read more: Trifecta for Success: Teams, Tools, and Talent