How to Lose Excess Weight

bcgd Ball Chain WEB SmlLosing weight and managing have a lot in common. Both losing weight and managing people are difficult. If you’re overweight, you may often receive negative feedback about how your weight is affecting your health from family, friends, and your doctor. One of the most difficult tasks in managing people is giving negative feedback or terminating them. It just so happens that employees with bad attitudes, low performers, and the good days/bad days employees are weighing you and your department down just as excess body weight slows your body down.  

Of course, the idea is to always try and keep employees by finding a way for them to add value. The employee might be able to contribute by performing different tasks on your team. They may be a better fit for another team in the same area, or they might be able to move to a different area of expertise, or location. On the other hand, allowing a poor performer, or a person with a bad attitude, or an employee who engages in unethical behavior to remain on your team is like carrying around 600 pounds of excessive baggage. However, if you feel the employee is salvageable, to ensure both yourself and the employee that you have made every effort to give them a fair chance, a good idea is to create a performance improvement plan (PIP).

Performance,, Talent Management,, managing employees,, Managing,

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How to Enhance Your Management Skills

bcgd Teacher WEB sml

Whether you’re a wannabe manager, a new manager, a seasoned manager (at any season), or at the executive level, you will always want to be learning new skills – or should! Oftentimes people become stuck on how to do this. Some think you must go for that MBA to be a successful manager. I am one who loves education. On the other hand, much of the knowledge that academia imparts is so far from real life that you may think you stepped onto a different planet once you graduate. Further, school fails to prepare us for real life in many instances.

Having to learn new skills is not just for the wannabe or even the newly minted manager, it happens to everyone. One common example, is of course, technology Even those who have grown up with technology will still need to learn new technology. Examples of new technology include driverless vehicles, AI, flying cars, bullet trains, or the new Hyperloop train. No doubt it will be easier for them, but there will be learning none the less. Technology is not the only new skill, look at the millennial generation and the new skills seasoned managers have had to learn to cope, manage, and communicate with this unique generation.

Management, Coninuous Learning

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Leaders, Leaders Everywhere and Not a Drop of Chaos Around

Leadership has certadisorganized WEB smlinly become a hot topic. Employee engagement is another hot topic. Some people might want to add to both of these…“or the lack thereof.” Some of you may be asking, “What has this got to do with the price of tea in China?” The topics of and solutions to both good leadership and positive employee engagement are joined at the hip and here’s how.

Poor leadership can lead to poor employee engagement. On the other hand, employees want to be more autonomous and want to be and recognized as leaders in organizations. So, is achieving effective leadership and employee engagement a wash? Not at all, in fact, one hand washes the other and here’s how.

“It’s lonely at the top” is a metaphor we often hear. Top echelon leaders need all the help they can get. Some leaders fear that giving everyone leadership status will cause utter chaos.  However, we cannot expect our leaders to be all things to all people. In fact, one source suggests that organizations could use a good restructuring in that the pyramidal organization puts too much pressure on the few at the top. Ideas and accountability for an organization’s success needs to be spread throughout a company.

Employee Engagement,, Leadership,

Read more: Leaders, Leaders Everywhere and Not a Drop of Chaos Around

Need a Smart Idea for Communication?

Smart Idea WEBCoaching visiting business professionals who are in the United States working on projects for their countries is exciting, satisfying, and eye opening. This work is eye opening because seeing how these professionals work so diligently on learning American business customs and English is inspiring. Many will still want a session after a grueling drive from a business assignment in another state. They will sacrifice family time to keep their sessions. They will still want sessions even when they are not feeling well. They will often fret over wanting to use the exact correct word in a simple email. They are eager to understand the best ways to communicate ideas. They will struggle not to be insulting in their conversations. In short, they are diligent about communication. Don’t you wish you could say the same for your co-workers?

While communicating in English may seem like rocket science to foreign professionals at times, it shouldn’t be that way to us…and it isn’t. It takes a minimum amount of effort on our parts to recognize and appreciate the commutation styles of our peers, co-workers, families, and friends. The reasons for making this effort are many.


Read more: Need a Smart Idea for Communication?

10 Ways to Help Build Human Capital

Bldg Hum Cap WEBUnless you’ve been living under a rock or had your head buried in the sand, you know that change happens. You also are no doubt aware that change is happening today at breakneck speeds. We have no one to blame but ourselves because that’s what we get for being an intelligent life form. Not only do we have the power and intellect to create the need and desire for change, but we also can learn to adapt to it and implement change in ways to make work and life better for ourselves and others. Easier said than done right? There are some things you can do to make change easier.

Staying ahead of trends, or at the very least keeping up with them, is essential. Next planning, setting goals, establishing priorities, and establishing clear expectations will help put you in the arena of Best-in-Class organizations and the sooner you begin the planning in conjugation with your fiscal year, the better. Not only does it get your year off to a good start, but you now can marry ideas with your strategic plan. A good example of this is that, according to one source, “79% of executives say redesigning their performance management strategy is a high priority.” This does not occur overnight, and strong planning and alignment elements will be necessary to pull it off and when done right, the payoff is huge in terms of simpler processes, improving communications, and higher employee engagement. Speaking of employee engagement…

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If You Like Change & Disruption, You’ll Love 2018

bcgd Change 2018 WEBTechnology is the big winner for change in 2018 and beyond. People worry that machines are going to steal their jobs and even begin thinking for themselves. Heck, my compute already does THAT! Technology has such far reaching effects that it isn’t just machinery, robots, or computers that affect our work lives…it’s also digital. And if you think the above is scary, read on…

Digital: The top “Digital Giants” are Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent and almost everyone has frequent interaction with them. OK, I’m no tech guru but the following prediction by CIO Insights should send the chills of change up the spines of many.

“By 2020, five out of seven digital giants will willfully ‘self-disrupt’ to create their next opportunity. They ae being proactive by deciding to embrace disruption even if it cannibalizes some existing advantages.” I shudder to think about the ripple effects of such actions by giant entities that touch so many people’s lives in so many ways every day.

Read more: If You Like Change & Disruption, You’ll Love 2018

Business Burps – Lessons from Lunch

Bus BurpsBeing a Hollywood actor is a top dream job. People also dream about being rock stars, writing a book, and starting their own business. Oftentimes, what people fail to see in their dreams are the blood, sweat, and tears that go into making these dreams a reality. For example, people see writing a book as a piece of cake. However, a quote from the author and journalist Gene Fowler (1890-1960) cooks up a different image: “Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.”  Similar sentiments apply to acting.

The actor Chuck Norris states: “Whatever luck I had, I made. I was never a natural athlete, but I paid my dues in sweat and concentration and took the time necessary to learn karate and become world champion.” Tears often fall into the mix, especially during times of defeat.


Read more: Business Burps – Lessons from Lunch

How to Keep Your TMT From Becoming TNT

TMT to TNT WEBHenry Ford ruled his innovative assembly line company like a dictator, he had a hand in most every decision, and when backers didn’t agree with him, he simply bought them out. Later, a CEO would simply hire a COO to help run the organization. To paraphrase an old saying, organizations and their top management teams (TMT) have come a long way baby.

Business environments, CEOs, and their TMTs face an abundance of challenges that Henry Ford would probably only dream of in his worst business scenario nightmare. 

  • Global competitions
  • Changing technology
  • Organizational complexity
  • Succession
  • Instability
  • Diverse yet interdependent business units
  • Mobile staff in widespread locations

Of course, there are the internal stresses, disrupters, and explosive elements that can cause a TMT, or any team for that matter, to become dysfunctional. Internal elements consist of

CEO, TME,, Execuve Team,

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