Tangents, Trends, and Techniques for Hiring

Hire Trend WEB SMLHiring, its tangents, trends, and techniques, is receiving a lot of attention. Yet there are only three basic techniques in procuring talent, buying, borrowing, and building. Buying talent is having someone recruit for you and paying them. Borrowing talent is hiring a contractor and paying them for a project or some period for their talent. Building talent is taking the talent you already have on board and developing it for handling more skills. However, tools and techniques surrounding the basic strategies is changing at warp speed.


Once upon a time, you could find talent writing a resume, and maybe a cover letter, sending it through snail mail, and waiting for a response. Today, talent has many options for getting your attention, and you have many more places to seek out that talent.

One big change is, of course, the two-edged sword of social media. Talent must be careful of appearing on sites like Facebook in a compromising, unflattering, or awkward situations. The recruiting manager can see a true picture of a candidate’s behaviors, attitudes, and opinions on social media. This can be where hiring managers make judgments as to whether a candidate will fit into an organization’s culture. On the other end of the spectrum recruiters are now encouraging talent to have not just business cards and a resume, but their own website! A website can provide lots of room to shine or sink.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI provides opportunity for hiring efficiencies. For example:

  1. Candidate Screening Hiring managers and teams are likely to receive around 200+ resumes per job opening. AI can help speed the process up and ensure each resume gets attention.
  2. Candidate Experience Every candidate deserves attention and a response. The use of chatbots can help.
  3. Re-engagement AI can assist in helping keep records stored and updated in case a better suited position comes up for a candidate or the candidate acquires education, training or a certification previously lacking.
  4. Post-offer acceptance and Onboarding: Between the hire date and the first date, there can be a gap that AI can help fill by providing information to the candidate in terms of policies, processes system, and culture.
  5. Employee Relations and Scheduling: AI can help answer routine questions for candidates and reduce bias in the hiring process.

Hiring Trends

Candidates are the only ones who have a need to keep up with trends. Hiring managers and teams too must keep up with economic, technological, and social trends to ensure they keep up with the competition to attract and retain the best and brightest talent.

Diversity is one of those “trends.” No doubt having a diverse culture has been around for a while, but now it is shown to have a direct link to a better culture and enhanced profitability.

New Interviewing Tools, such as AI and other technological tools to help speed up the hiring and onboarding process.

Data plays a big role in hiring. Good data can reduce bias, present a clearer and deeper picture of a candidate, and help compare candidates to ensure the best fit for the job.

AI is, of course, a trend that no doubt will be playing an increasingly more important role in the hiring process.

It may appear that hiring has one off on a tangent. However, the trends and techniques coming on the scene can serve organizations in better hiring practices, resulting in lower turnover, and higher performance.

Thank you for reading this blog. For more information about hiring tools and data, Let's get started

Graphic Credit: BigStock.com


Chadha, S. (2018, January). 2018: AI And Hiring Trends. Human Capital Online.com
Lauby, S. (2018, May). How to Create a Recruiting Strategy: Buy, Build, and Borrow. SHRM

Hiring,, Trends