10 Ways to Build Your Team’s EQ

Team EQ WEB210People make up teams. Every person on your team has different skills and every team member’s skill set brings something to the table. Team members also possess different behavioral styles, motivators, and different competencies. In addition, every team member has various levels of business acumen, and of course diverse levels of EQ. Is EQ more important than skill sets? Can an entire team have an EQ score?

Teams,, Leadership,, EQ,

Read more: 10 Ways to Build Your Team’s EQ

The Case of the Data Fearing Grandma

Car Trouble 210Working out of my home office one day waiting on a client, I looked out the door and saw an elderly woman walking up the driveway and saw her car was in the street partially blocking access to the driveway. Walking out to meet her and to see what she wanted, she stated that her car had broken down and needed assistance. I asked, “Who can you call?” She replied, “I don’t have a phone.” I immediately began looking behind trees to see who might be backing up this woman and her scam claiming she had no phone.  As it turns out, this poor woman didn’t have an auto club membership, had no phone, had no credit card, and had no debit card. The reason? She was trying to protect her privacy!! Has managing our personal data come down to choosing between privacy and personal safety?

Employee Development, DATA

Read more: The Case of the Data Fearing Grandma

Where Will We Find the Next Generation of Leaders?

Where Leadership WEB210

When beginning research for this blog post, the angle was in a different vein than what the reader sees here. The original angle gave way to some pithy posts on social media such as:

  • Even the best leaders are only as good as the people around them.
  • Savvy CEOs ensure their executives come from varied backgrounds and experience.
  • Good leaders possess: Accountability, Resourcefulness, and Self-confidence etc., etc., etc. There is a plethora of skills future leaders will require for their success as well as that of their organizations. Deeper research began revealing some food for thought.
  1. There is little organizational loyalty and job hopping has become so common place that now companies are even “renting” employees instead of hiring them.
  2. According to an article on the site of Hult International Business School, most companies hire their CEOs from within after climbing the corporate ladder.

What’s wrong with this picture? It begs the question, even if people do have good skills, where will we find the next generation of leadership?

CEO, Leadership; Teambuilding

Read more: Where Will We Find the Next Generation of Leaders?

How to Leverage Communication for Career Success

Leverage Comm WEB SMLRecently a colleague suggested that he doesn’t bother reading cover letters from job applicants as he feels they hold no value. To him, communication may be a dead art, but cover letters can provide great insight into a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and attributes. If a job seeker is smart, the cover letter is a valuable tool to landing that next job. In fact, according to Career Quest “communication skills consistently rank at the top of the list of soft skills hiring managers are looking for in new hires.” How can candidates and employees use communication for success?

Leadership,, Communication,, Career Development, self-improvement

Read more: How to Leverage Communication for Career Success

Protecting Your Career During Organizational Change

Greek Warrior WEB SMLAll too often when people are out of a job, they have no resources to invest in themselves. These resources include such activities as coaching, resume preparation, or even attending key networking events. This is true at every level of position, yes, even at the executive level. While some may have the money, there is a fear of letting go of it. What ever happened to the Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared.”  Being prepared in today’s increasing activity of mergers and acquisitions that can create career careening events would seem a smart move. How can you protect your career during such organizational changes?

Career Management,, Career Advice, Career Coaching

Read more: Protecting Your Career During Organizational Change

Influence – A Career Strategy Tool

Influence WEB SMLOften when conducting training and coaching sessions, even at supervisor, manager, director, and vice president levels, many people feel powerless at work. Indeed, a title alone doesn’t necessarily guarantee you a higher level of power or greater influence. Yes, it’s true, authority does and always will have the final power leverage in almost any given situation. But that does not mean you have no power or influence.  So, how can you gain power and influence and why is it important in helping achieve your career goals?

Career Management,, Career Development, Personal Power, Influence

Read more: Influence – A Career Strategy Tool