Change: The Why and the Vision

Why Vision WEB SMLAs children we would ask “Why?” a lot. Hearing the answer, “Because I’m the mommy.” Or “Because I said so.”, was the reason we had to accept. As adults when we ask that question, we expect an answer with a little more “detail” behind it. This is never truer than when an organization introduces change. In fact, you may think that your organization somehow turned into a day care center full of whining nursery school children when you announce a change. There is a preventative measure that reduces the whining scenario.

The Why

People don’t like change. They don’t want to change, and they don’t like that you want to make them change. According to research, 67% of the population are the two behavioral styles S and I. S behavioral styles typically don’t like change and can become passive aggressive in resisting change. High Is are emotional. You see that right away, bringing in change is not going to go over well with many already in your organizational population. When people know the why for change, they can become far more cooperative. Even better yet, when people know Why the change is needed and the difference it will make can push the needle up on the cooperation scale and down of the whining scene. 


If you don’t know where your change mission is going – it won’t get you anywhere. This is one of the things about change that frustrate so many. Again, the needle on the frustration-o-meter will drop dramatically with a clear vison in place. Here’s what your vision needs:

  1. Everyone from the janitor down to the executives needs to understand it. This means you need to leave the lofty, academic, and complicated explanations of your change under your desk.
  2. It needs to be intellectually solid
  3. It needs to have some emotionally appeal
  4. Your vison for change should only take up about a half page and you should be able to explain it in 5 minutes or less.

The change coalition and the executive team working together can drive the vision throughout the organization. This strategy will enable you to be able to steer the change through the chaos that change will bring.

For help with your next change  - Let's Get Started!

Coker, C. ((2014). Profit Through Your People. Life Thrive Performance Systems Inc.
Kotter, J. (2011, June). How to Create a Powerful Vision for Change. Forbes.

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