As Long as There is Business…

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As long as there is business, change will occur. Indeed, change must occur for business in any industry to be successful. In fact, the Human Capital Trends Study by Deloitte states that over 75% of organizations are restructuring or have just completed that process. Any of us who have been a participant in a change process are witness to the fact that it is no easy task. To make matters worse, many organizations know they want to change, but don’t always know where to begin.

However, the Deloitte study suggests there are at least ten top trends from which to make a selection. For your convenience, Matthew French with Subscribe HR lists them:

  1. Organizational structure: The rise of teams
  2. Leadership awakened: Generations, teams, science
  3. Culture: Shape culture, drive strategy
  4. Engagement: Always on
  5. Learning: Employees take charge
  6. Design thinking: Crafting the employee experience
  7. HR: Growing momentum toward a new mandate
  8. People analytics: Gaining speed
  9. Digital HR: Revolution, not evolution
  10. The gig economy: Distraction or disruption?

The trick in making your selection is to prioritize. What are the most important areas you need to address for business success? No CEO, executive or management team needs to make this decision alone. One area that can touch many others is training. For example, the same Deloitte study, suggests these five areas of learning content.

  • Managerial and Supervisory
  • Profession or Industry Specific
  • Mandatory or compliance
  • Processes, Procedures, and Business Practices
  • New Employee Orientation

As you can determine, these content learning areas touch many of the ten top trends. Will these trends change? Will your organization’s need change? Will items like “The gig economy” change? In a word, yes. This only serves to emphasize that change will always be with us.

The point is this, change will and must occur for success. Change does not need to be a catastrophic event. Understanding how to prepare and manage change will be key to the success of your change. You can accomplish this by being proactive in anticipating, meeting (even embracing), and managing change. Finding a good change model will serve as solid foundation and guide to get you and your organization through the not always easy journey of change.

Thank you for reading this blog. If you would like to have a brief discussion on managing change, call 404-320-7834, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

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