Bob’s Ok, He’s Just Weird

Flex MusclesAn executive recently complained to the superior of a fellow executive in the same company that Bob, not his real name, was often insubordinate, sat on people’s desks, flexed his muscles, and was a know-it-all. Bob’s boss replied, “Bob’s OK, he’s just weird.” The executive, a client of mine, relaying this story to me felt confused because she saw this person as being condescending, but yet couldn’t understand why she felt that way and so blamed herself. When I asked this executive if she would let her son speak to her that way, she replied, “Good grief, no!” Why is this situation any different?

It just so happens that my client has her eyes on the CEO position when the current CEO retires in a few years. If Bob’s behavior is allowed to continue, do you think he will stop just because this person is now the CEO? Bob will take great pride in his ability to talk to such a superior in this manner, belittle the now CEO, behind her back of course, and generally help lace the organization’s culture with this condescending behavior company wide. The behavior now becomes accepted and the norm. What’s a budding CEO to do?

CEO, Behaviors,, career,

Read more: Bob’s Ok, He’s Just Weird

Career Strategy Scenarios

Career DecisionThose on executive teams often have goals and ambitions to be the CEO of the organization. You may be such an individual. Once a speaker colleague was trying to decide what to speak about to a group. She made this comment, “I don’t know if these people even have dreams.” My head spun around about 3600. What? Everyone has dreams. But even some executives will sell their own teammates short thinking that they are the only one on the team with the CEO dream. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is dangerous territory. Why?

When considering that you are the only one with ambitious goals, you may well have slumped into complacency not to mention being a bone head. Sorry, it had to be said. This type of thinking tells me that both you and my colleague have no empathy for or are not reading the pulse of others, even the ones on your own team. Everyone has dreams of some sort. Maybe they aren’t the dream of becoming a CEO, but they may want to use their position to obtain other dreams. If you find yourself with these types of thoughts, here are some ideas to help get you back on track.

CEO, Strategic Planning,, career,

Read more: Career Strategy Scenarios

The Two Faces of Leadership

Two Faces of Ldrshp

Many organizations implement leadership development programs. Often times these are part of a succession plan. This is one face of leadership. This is the “younger” face of leadership if you will. This is the face belonging to those who are ambitious and want to climb the corporate ladder, but who still need skill building training, activities, and additional experience. These programs often consist of topics such as:


  • Communication
  • Handling Difficult Situations
  • Coaching/Counseling and Mentoring
  • Disciplinary Challenges
  • Legal Issues Such as Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
  • Leaderships Skills
  • Performance Management
  • Project Management
  • Motivating Employees
  • Budget and Finance

CEO, Talent Management,, Leadership,

Read more: The Two Faces of Leadership

A Leopard Can’t Change Its Bad Attitude

Leopard Spots WEB



Everyone has a poor attitude or bad day once in a while. Unfortunately, there are those whose bad attitude permeates their very being. Bad attitudes can be for a number of reasons.

 - Victim thinking
- Some find it difficult to move beyond major disappointments in life.
- An induvial may be clinically depressed.
- Others think the world owes them a living and can’t understand why everything in life is so difficult.
- Some people are grudge holders for whatever cause or reason
- Many people find change more difficult than others.

As a leader, are these your fault? Certainly not. As a leader are you the one who has to deal with these attitudes? Yes, but maybe not in the way you may think.

CEO,management,, managing employees,, bad attitude,

Read more: A Leopard Can’t Change Its Bad Attitude

Manufacturing Gives Clues About Good Hiring Practices

Manufacturing WEBManufacturing processes are consistent and produce quality products. Manufacturing processes meet specific requirements - consistently. A recent study cited in Inc. suggests that organizations that practice specific hiring practices are more successful.

Establishing standards is the foundation of quality. Job analysis plays a big role in establishing standards. How will employees know what targets they are supposed to achieve? How will managers know when a candidate has met the right criteria in order to put the right person in the right job? How will the organization know if jobs are meeting quality standards that customers demand?

Make it standard practice to both participate in and hold job fairs on a regular basis.

Business, HR,, Hiring,, manufacturing,, hirng,

Read more: Manufacturing Gives Clues About Good Hiring Practices

Stuck in the Middle with You Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right


Bogino Executive Coaching, Bogino Assessments, Bogino DISC Certification, Bogino Team building, Bogino Training, Bogino Speaking

First Things First: How do you build leaders for the future? First realize that middle managers do have the capacity and are in the position to be leaders. Now, provide the training, the coaching, and mentoring they need to carry them through to their next step on the organizational ladder. IN short, middle managers need role models. Performing these vital tasks lays a solid foundation for the future.

Performance,, Talent Management,, Leadership,, Middle Management,

Read more: Stuck in the Middle with You Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right

What a CEO Really Needs

CEO Feet on Desk WEBThere is a Senior VP who wants to be CEO of his company. The reason he wants to be CEO is so he “… can sit back and put his feet up on the desk.” I’ll pause here to give all you current CEOs a few minutes to stop laughing. Ok, ready to continue? While it’s true that most CEOs don’t have to do manual labor like breaking up rocks and such, the job, as you well know, is definitely not one where you just sit back and put your feet up. Every job has two sides, one you like and the other you don’t, some days are easy, most are not. Being a CEO is no different.

What does a CEO need to do his/her job well?

Business Growth, Teams,

Read more: What a CEO Really Needs

Shhhh…Don’t tell anyone, but…


Can you keep a secret? It starts out innocently enough, but malicious gossip doesn’t just occur among the rank and file of your organization. Executives too often play a role. Yes, the very people who should be setting the example. You would think people at this level would know better, and they do, but for some reason, gossip seems irresistible.

It’s No Secret - Why We Gossip

It’s almost in our DNA. Picture a group of prehistoric hunters surveying the downing of a mastodon and gossiping about Fred who didn’t hold up his end of the hunt. Humans have been gossiping as long as we’ve been communicating. Men do gossip, they just call it “shooting the breeze.” An article in psychology today offers that women may gossip more simply because they communicate more. However, I’ve seen a group of men who could put any woman to shame when it comes to gossip. Even though it may hurt someone’s reputation, we continue to do it. Why? According to the experts, it can be for any number of reasons:


Read more: Shhhh…Don’t tell anyone, but…