Shhhh…Don’t tell anyone, but…


Can you keep a secret? It starts out innocently enough, but malicious gossip doesn’t just occur among the rank and file of your organization. Executives too often play a role. Yes, the very people who should be setting the example. You would think people at this level would know better, and they do, but for some reason, gossip seems irresistible.

It’s No Secret - Why We Gossip

It’s almost in our DNA. Picture a group of prehistoric hunters surveying the downing of a mastodon and gossiping about Fred who didn’t hold up his end of the hunt. Humans have been gossiping as long as we’ve been communicating. Men do gossip, they just call it “shooting the breeze.” An article in psychology today offers that women may gossip more simply because they communicate more. However, I’ve seen a group of men who could put any woman to shame when it comes to gossip. Even though it may hurt someone’s reputation, we continue to do it. Why? According to the experts, it can be for any number of reasons: