Is Your Team Unstoppable?

Several sports have handicaps. For example, golf, bowling, and polo all have a handicap as a part of play. Sometimes people have handicaps as well. Some people might use the simplest handicap as an excuse for not pursuing success.  Teams are especially good at this.

Excuses like not trusting one another, a lack of communication, misunderstandings, or misguided perceptions of one another. However, building trust, learning how to communicate with one another, reducing misunderstandings, and clearing up perceptions are tools that can help lead your team to success. However, we often avoid using these or a myriad of other useful tools because of our perceived handicaps.

Others have real handicaps like Anthony Robles who was born with one leg.  That would be a good excuse for many of us to feel sorry for ourselves and not set goals or achieve success. However, nothing could be further from the truth for Anthony. Anthony is three-time all-American wrestler, an NCAA champion, and a member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. You can read more about Anthony is his book Unstoppable.

What excuses are your team using that stop them from being successful? Our excuses are limited only by our imagination. Excuses are simply reasons we give ourselves to justify why we don’t take actions or stop taking others. Often these actions are activities that could lead us to success. So why do we make these excuses and worst of all let them stop us from achieving our goals? One word – FEAR. The fear of

  • Failure
  • Success
  • Not Being Good Enough
  • Losing Face or Prestige
  • Uncertainty
  • Responsibility
  • Making Mistakes
  • Losing Money

Again, our fears are only limited by our imagination. One person used this one: “I don’t want to make other people jealous.” This sounds like the let’s not have any losers syndrome. Plueeeezzzzzze! The problem is that excuses bring the baggage of consequences. Our excuses

  • Stop our Success
  • Stop personal and professional growth
  • Stop confidence from building
  • Stop us from having optimism
  • Stop cooperation and collaboration
  • Stop us from being creative and being good problem solvers
  • Stop motivation
  • Stop us from gaining money, connections, and other resources

In short, ask yourself how your team can be more successful. What do you want your business to look like in the next year? How much do you want to increase revenues? Then ask, will any of these excuses get us there? Ask, what else is stopping your team or organization from achieving goals?

Thank you for reading the PSI blog. Your team can change your thought patterns and perceptions. Give us a call for a complimentary demonstration at 404.320.7834 or 1.800.320.7834.

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