The Value of Self-Evaluations

During a recent meeting with some associates, the topic of Performance Appraisals was addressed. This led to the issue of self-evaluations. Several associates stated: “I don’t like to do the self-evaluations”. Other associates asked, “Why do we have to do self-evaluations?”. Still others thought it was a waste of time because they felt that employees would just rate themselves as excellent in every category. What if we understood the real value of self-evaluations? What if self-evaluations could be a practical and useful tool for us to use to make our work lives better? This article will address each of these three concerns and help you to understand the role of self-evaluations in your success. Taking these concerns in order, the first is: “I don’t like to do the self-evaluations”.

This issue probably has more to do with human nature more than anything else. We do not always relish the thought of putting ourselves under a microscope. It is painful for us to look at our faults, our weaknesses, our inconsistencies and our human frailties, however, if we fail to honestly look at ourselves we will never know our progress. We will not be able to set goals. We will not be able to change or redirect our course in life. Sadly, there will be no growth or self-improvement. It is important in our work lives to seek personal and professional growth. Not just because we may get a new title, a larger paycheck or the envy of our peers. It is important because we want and need to have a well-rounded and enjoyable life while occupying space on this planet. Our work lives are a large part of our total life span. Therefore, it is essential that we make our work lives as productive and enjoyable as possible. Additional benefits will be discovered in looking at the concern, “Why do we have to do self-evaluations?”.

The reason for conducting a self-evaluation is to lend another person’s perspective to the performance appraisal process. The old saying: “Two heads are better than one.” comes into play here. While a 360 degree review takes in perspectives from several sources, having at least two perspectives is better than just one. Having at least two perspectives on any issue opens the door for brainstorming new approaches, and for frank, positive discussion. Exploration into new ideas and solutions is made easier to approach.

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