What’s In Your Hiring System?

A totally integrated hiring system goes far beyond ads, recruiting, applications, background checks, etc. While these are basic components of most every organization’s hiring scheme, they are not enough to ensure that you will hire the best fit for the job, reduce turnover, or increase productivity. You know, like finding a four leaf clover with every hire.

So, which option would you select to remedy ineffective hiring practices?

1. Interview more people, faster!
2. Throw all your resources into recruiting!
3. Find and implement a more effective hiring system!

If you chose number three, you are on the right track. You are beginning to realize that continuing to hire as you always have will not move your business forward or reduce hiring costs. A new emphasis on identifying and retaining top talent is far overdue.

So, are you willing to invest in a new, logical approach? Or are you going to test your luck against the odds?
Thank you for reading this blog. For more information on better hiring practices, call 404.320.7834 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.