Taming the Time Tempest: Procrastination

Procrastination WEB

Managing time is a constant challenge for my coaching clients, and yes for me too! We all know better. We all know that if we manage our time well, we’ll accomplish more, reduce stress, and still have time for things we enjoy the most. Procrastination is one of the biggest concerns and often seems the most difficult to conquer. Yes, I know, we want to put that off until later as well.

A tool to help us conquer this defeating habit is understanding what causes us to procrastinate. First we’ll look at the causes of procrastination and then ways to tame this shrew.

The Cause

  •  Failure to set priorities – If you don’t know where to begin – you won’t. Further, not setting priorities leaves the door open to making everything a priority. This confuses the brain and leads to procrastination.

The Cure

  •  Each day put together a to-do list. The night before is even better as you can hit the ground running the next morning. Be sure to prioritize the items on your list. When your boss or client piles more items on your already stretched out list, consult with them and let them help you establish what is really important. Everything is not a four alarm fire. In addition, you can break projects into smaller pieces and that helps keep you both focused and motivated.

The Cause

  •  Unclear about tasks or projects – If you don’t understand what you are supposed to be doing on a task or a project, you won’t begin for fear of looking foolish or making a mistake.

The Cure

  •  A universal antidote called communication is best for this culprit. Not everyone is a good communicator and maybe your boss or client is one of them. Ask questions, until you are clear about what is expected in terms of processes, protocols, structure, and deadlines. Some of these, like protocols, might be items that you can find out about up front in a new position or project.

The Cause

  •  Too many commitments – When we become overwhelmed, we can’t decide where or how to begin on any one specific project or task, so we do nothing hoping it will all go away.

 The Cure

  •  If you’re a girl or guy who just can’t say no, then learn to purse your lips together and just say no. Learning to say no is one of the least expensive and yet most effective time management tools around. In fact, here’s a good article to help you say no and still remain guilt free http://goo.gl/rWqngF .

The Cause

  •  Hoping that in time, the issue will just go away – It may, but it may also come back to bite you bringing even more wounds and maybe an even larger tempest.

The Cure

  •  Hoping an issue, project, or person will just go away has more to do with indecision that anything. The reason for your indecision can be varied. You may not have the confidence you need to make a decision. You may be afraid of making the wrong decision, you could just be afraid of commitment, or there could be other boogie men preventing you from taking action. Here is an article that will help you understand your reluctance and some solutions for this often maddening curse http://goo.gl/scyXEL .

The Cause

  •  Fear of failure. Some people ae plagued with this fear and it can be quite debilitating if not addressed.

The Cure

  •  First, consider the consequences if nothing gets done, even if what you do is wrong. First, feel your fear and move through it. Usually there is a bigger story behind the fear of failure and understanding where that is coming through can bring about huge breakthroughs for you. Yes, it can take a good coach or even therapy to help you through it. But your life will be so much better for investing in yourself. Find ways to build your confidence and trust your intuition. When you do fail, learn what went wrong, correct it if possible, but learn to move on.

Now you have the tools to tame this time tempest we know as procrastination. Remember, there is always a reason why we do or do not do tasks, reasons we are not being productive, reasons we engage in self-defeating behavior, and we are the ones who can tame this time management shrew we know as procrastination.

Thank you for reading this blog, if you are looking for assistance in managing your time better, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., call 404-320-7834 or visit www.performstrat.com

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Professional Development,, Productivity,, Time Management,